The following links give program codes concerning some algorithms presented
in published, accepted or submitted papers.
- Y. Komori (2015), Stuitable algorithm associated with a parameterization for the
three-parameter lognormal distribution, Communications in Statistics -
Simulation and Computation, 44 (1), 239-246.
- Y. Komori and K. Burrage (2013), Strong first order S-ROCK methods for stochastic
differential equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
242, 261-274.
- Y. Komori and K. Burrage (2012), Weak second order S-ROCK methods for Stratonovich stochastic differential equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236 (11), 2895-2908.
- Y. Komori and K. Burrage (2011), Supplement: efficient weak second-order stochastic
Runge-Kutta methods for non-commutative Stratonovich stochastic differential
equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235 (17),
- Y. Komori and H. Hirose (2004), Easy estimation by a new parameterization for the
three-parameter lognormal distribution, Journal of Statistical Computation
and Simulation, 74 (1), 63-74.
Last updated: 2015/11/17